Join us in hitting refresh on The F5 podcast with our host Dominic Wetherall, bringing you amazing stories about the human side of tech with special guests, and leaving the jargon at the door. 

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Anthony Allcock - How tech enables business growth and better lives

Anthony Allcock became one of the UK’s Top 100 CIOs in 2023, with over 25 years’  experience in business transformation and IT with Rolls Royce, British Airways, and I...

Professor Gino Martini - Tech in enabling science, health, & the economy

Professor Gino Martini was at the front line of utilising tech to connect and collaborate during the COVID-19 pandemic as Chief Scientist at the Royal Pharmaceutical S...

Professor Deb Leary OBE - A Forensic Approach to Digital Security

From revolutionising the stepping plate after visiting a police conference in Toronto, to being the CEO of Forensic Pathways with a 95% view of ransomware groups on th...

Martin Ward - Growing tech in the West Midlands

Martin Ward, the first and only Tech Commissioner in the UK, shares his plans for the West Midlands' tech scene, and what makes the region so unique. We discover his i...

Vanessa Eyles - The State of Cyber Security in the UK

This episode we discuss cyber security, misconceptions businesses may have when it comes to the laws around it, and what businesses can do to protect themselves with D...

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