Paul Abbott - The reality of experiencing a cyber attack

Paul Abbott joined Knights of Old, an SME transportation & logistics company, in 1987. The company were proactive with their technology, with an agile IT team in-house and disaster recovery for business continuity in place. However, a ransomware cyber attack in June 2023 saw cyber attackers encrypt all their operating systems and infiltrate tiers of security to access off-site backups. While KOO were able to maintain BAU manually, a Forensic team revealed they were being hit hard by cyber attackers trying to infiltrate the business. Unable to get their finance systems up to date, the lack of detail visibility for stakeholders and shareholders meant the business ultimately had to go into administration.

Creators and Guests

Dominic Wetherall
Host of The F5 - The human side of tech podcast, and Marketing Director at Intercity Technology
Paul Abbott - The reality of experiencing a cyber attack
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